Albany Deaf Church

The congregation shares the building with Greenside church and holds services in the Albany chapel (within the church sanctuary). The chapel was dedicated by the Very Revd. John Miller, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 2001.

The new Chaplain to Deaf people in the East of Scotland is the Rev. Rosie Addis.  She can be contacted via email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone/sms 07738 983 393.  A list of service time will be posted on the News section of Greenside web but you may also find out more by contacting Rosie directly by phone or email.

There is also the Albany Deaf Choir, which practices at Deaf Action on Albany Street.  Please get in touch to get more details of practices and performances. A Sunday Service signed for the deaf is held on the last Sunday of each month in Greenside Albany Chapel at 2pm.

Sunday services are also held at 11am at the Trust Housing Association in Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh.

Albany Deaf Church is a congregation of the Church of Scotland with its own Kirk Session and Congregational Board. The 128 members are Deaf using British Sign Language (BSL) as their means of communication. Services are in BSL. If a hearing or hard of hearing person attends the service both BSL and spoken English are used simultaneously.

The church has its own website at