Street Pastors - The Church and The Community August 2014


The members of the congregation of Greenside are honoured to be associated with the hugely respected Street Pastors organisation which engages with people on the streets and in night time venues, listening and developing a dialogue whilst offering practical help.

At the weekend the Street Pastors, who are volunteers working in our local area, are able to use our church halls late in the evening and into the early morning as a base where they prepare themselves for their important task of showing that the church cares.  Their evening's work follows prayers to God for His support for their service to those who are vulnerable and in need of stability in their lives.

This partnership, which also involves the local police, is a perfect opportunity for the church to be engaged with the delivery of positive action in our local community.  Their success in establishing real credibility with those whom they are meeting and assisting is well recognised and we welcome the opportunity to play a small part in their ministry in our area.