
Prayer for September 2014

Prayer for September 2014

Submitted by a member of the Greenside congregation.

Heavenly Father, we ask that you might help all with the fear of the unknown future, the fear of unrest in their country, their towns and their homes as well as those who, for whatever reason, are homeless and dispossessed.

We pray for people of all faiths who are at risk from prosecution for what they believe.  Most especially, those who face the life or death choices imposed by extremist organisations in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.  Grant all who suffer, for whatever reason, your healing peace.  Let them know that, amidst their sorrows and physical pain, there is the real comfort which comes from your outstretched hand and the energy of your Holy Spirit.

Lift we pray to your presence, all who live in the dark shadows of life that, in confidence and trust, they may be still and know that you are the one true God.  The saviour to whom in prayer they can bring their fears and receive the salvation promised by our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Order of Service Sunday August 31st 2014 Greenside

Greenside Parish Church

Order of Service

Sunday 31st August 2014

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 111 : Holy Holy Holy

Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 210 : Awake My Soul

Scripture Reading : Luke 5 : 17 - 32 (Page 1032)

Hymn 625 : O Thou Who Camest From Above

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Intercessory Prayers

Hymn 189 : Be Still

Sermon : Mathew the Tax Man

Hymn 167 : Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev Alistair Wynne BA BD

Change of venue for worship Sunday 24th August 2014

Sunday August 24th 2014.

Note we will be joining our friends at London Road for worship at 11 a.m. this Sunday.  There will be no service in Greenside but we look forward to welcoming you to worship with us at London Road.

Order of Service Sunday August 10th 2014 Greenside

Order of Service

Sunday 10th August 2014

Joint Service with London Road Church at Greenside

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 512 : To God Be The Glory

Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 708 : O Lord, The Clouds Are Gathering

Scripture Reading : John 20 : 19 - 31 (page 1089)

Hymn 57 : The Lord Doth Reign

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Intercessory Prayers

Hymn 622 : We Sing a Love 

Sermon : Doubting Thomas

Hymn 606 : Lord, You Sometimes Speak in Wonders

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev Alistair Wynne BA BD

Prayer for August 2014

Prayer for August - thanks to a Greenside Elder

O God, our loving Heavenly Father, we come before You to give You thanks for you gifts which we see all around us.  The beauty of this world you have created, because You love us and want us to enjoy the work of Your Hands.  We thank You for Your Holy Spirit, working in and around us, and most especially for the unconditional love shown to us in the gift of Your dear Son, JesusChrist, who gives us purpose and hope for the future.

Father, we pray for our world, for those areas where there is conflict.  We pray, Father, for an end to Religious intollerance.  We pray for a peaceful solution to war and killing.  Let there be hope for despair, light for darkness, peace for war and love for hate.  We pray for all the victims of the recent air disasters.  Take the victims home to Your Peace and comfort the bereaved families.

We pray for our Queen and all members of the Royal House.  We pray for all in authority in Governments National and Local, for those who strive to protect our towns and cities and in the country - the Emergency Services and all who have a care for others.

Loving God, we pray for ourselves.  We know that we have fallen short of what You would have us be, and we pray for the forgiveness that only You can give.  We know that we are in need of your love through Jesus.

All these and the unspoken prayers of our hearts, we ask in the dear Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose we are, and whom we serve.
