
Order of Service Sunday July 6th 2014 Greenside

Greenside Parish Church

Order of Service

Sunday July 6th 2014

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 154 : O Lord My God

Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 467 :Beautiful Saviour, Wonderful Counsellor

Scripture Reading : Ephesians 2 : 11 - 22

Hymn 547 : What A Friend

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Intercessory Prayers

Hymn 69 : Just As A Father Shows His Love

Sermon : The Twelve

Hymn 130 : Ye Servants of God

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev Alistair Wynne BA BD

Prayer for July 2014

Greenside Prayer for July 2014

Loving Heavenly Father, we lift our hearts and minds to you in our prayers.  We pray for a troubled world - troubled by wars, disputes and religious bigotry.  We pray for all who speak out for right and justice, and all who strive for peace.  We pray, Father, that you will make us channels of Your peace and love.We pray for an end of conflict and look to the day when nation shall speak peace to nation and study war no more.

We give thanks for the Emergency Services who carry out their duties so willingly, sometimes under difficult circumstances.

Father we pray for Your forgiveness for ourselves.  We know we have often strayed, but You, oh Lord, welcome us back into the Fold of Your Love.  Grant, oh Lord, that we follow the light of that love, back to You.  

All these, and the many unspoken prayers of our hearts, we ask in the dear and precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Saviour.

Order of Service Sunday June 29th 2014 Greenside

Celebration of Holy Communion

Greenside Parish Church

Sunday 29th June 2014 at 11.0 a.m.

Order of Service

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 111 : Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty

Prayer of Invocation

Confession of Our Christian Faith (Hymn 649)

Hymn 397 : In The Cross of Christ I Glory 

Scripture Reading : Mathew 26 : 17 - 30 (page 996)

Presentation of Tithes And Offerings

Prayer of Dedication

Hymn 549 : How Deep The Father's Love For Us

Sermon : Reflection in the Cup

Hymn 63 : All People That On Earth Do Dwell

Holy Communion and Lord's Prayer

Hymn 419 : Thine Be The Glory

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev. Alistair Wynne BA BD

Prayer for Summer 2014

Greenside Prayer for Summer 2014

As we start to enjoy lovely summer days, we praise and thank you, Lord God, for the opportunity to take holiday time to be with our families and friends and to enjoy your creation.  We pray for all those visitors who have chosen to come to Edinburgh this summer and ask that they may revel in their time spent in our beautiful city and that they will find our citizens welcoming.  Bless all people who are planning to take a holiday, or are already on holiday and let it be a time of real rest and relaxation which will lift their spirits.  We come to you with our prayers in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.


Asian Concern Summer Barbecue July 5th 2014

Saturday July 5th 2014.

All are warmly invited to Asian Concern's Summer Barbecue.  A family event to be held at Greenside from 12 - 4 p.m..  Make a note in your diary and come to join the fun!