
Order of Service Sunday March 23rd 2014 Greenside

Greenside Parish Church

Order of Service

Sunday March 23rd 2014

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 512 : To God Be The Glory

Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 4 : How Excellent In All The Earth

Scripture Reading :  Mark 14 : 53 - 65 (pp1021)

Hymn 187 : There's A Wideness In God's Mercy

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Prayer of Dedication

Church Choir - A Purple Robe, A Crown of Thorns

Intercessory Prayers

Hymn 198 : Let Us Build A House

Sermon : The Witnesses

Hymn 680 : You Are Called To Tell The Story

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev. Alistair Wynne BA BD

Order of Service Sunday March 9th 2014 Greenside

Greenside Parish Church

Order of Service - Sunday March 9th 2014

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 214 - New Every Morning

Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 413 - The Day of Resurrection

Scripture Reading : John 18 : 1 - 14 (page 1086)

Hymn 540 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Intercessory Prayers

Hymn 721 - We Lay Our Broken World

Sermon - The Arrest

Hymn 561 - Blessed Assurance

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister :  The Rev. Alistair Wynne BA BD

Prayer for March 2014

Prayer for March 2014

Heavenly Father, we thank you for this earth created for us.  Help  us to appreciate its wonders and to maintain it as we should.  Thank you again for the growing season, longer daylight hours, the increasing warmth and the opportunity this affords us to achieve more in our day.

Be with the people of Crimea and and Ukraine at this turbulent time.  Help them resolve their differences in a peaceful and appropriate manner.

As we approach Easter, give us the wisdom to follow your example in forgiveness and peace.  Please hold all who are suffering and troubled at this time in your hands.  We ask this in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ.


Thought for March 2014 from Alistair Wynne

Thought for March 2014

"Christians sometimes describe their faith as a force that runs counter to culture.  I wonder if we have it backwards.  Perhaps the city of God is the culture and the city of this world the counter culture.  Perhaps Jesus the revolutionary was actually setting out a normal pattern for life on this planet as revealed by its Designer.  That he appears radical and got murdered for his beliefs may say more about us than about him."

Philip Yandly.

Ready Steady Worship

Note that our monthly Family Service - Ready Steady Worship - happens this Sunday (2nd March 2014) ay 9.30 a.m. in the Sanctuary.  All Welcome